“Esoteric Knowledge in Antiquity” (2014)

(via mailing list agade)
Sul sito del Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte è stato pubblicato il preprint di Esoteric Knowledge in Antiquity [TOPOI – Dahlem Seminar for the History of Ancient Sciences Vol. II / Preprint 454] curato da Klaus Geus e Mark Geller. Il file è liberamente disponibile in formato PDF.
I contenuti:
Esoteric Knowledge in Antiquity –  Some Thoughts — Mark Geller / Klaus Geus

Secret of Extispicy Revealed  — Netanel Anor

Scenes with Two Bes Figures from Nimrud and the Second Step of Bes Toward Globalisation — Adrienn Orosz

Near Eastern origins of Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy  —  Matteo Martelli / Maddalena Rumor

Traum und Raum in den Onesikritika des Artemidoros von Daldis — Gregor Weber

On the Use and Abuse of Philosophy for Life: John Chrysostom’s Paradoxical View of Knowledge  — Jan R. Stenger

Esoterisches Wissen im Platonismus und in der christlichen Gnosis — Christoph Markschies

Priesterliches Kultwissen in den philensischen Graffiti des 4. und 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.  — Jan Moje

Ein syrischer Hermes? Anmerkungen zu esoterischen Traditionen im syrischen Medizinbuch — Stefanie Rudolf

Self-Knowledge, Illumination and Natural Magic: Some Notes on Pico della Mirandola’s Esotericism and Its Ancient Sources — Adrian Pirtea

The Occult Sciences in Byzantium (2007)

(via Academic-Study-Magic Discussion List)

E’ recentemente uscito un volume di possibile interesse:

Magdalino, Paul, & Mavroudi, Maria (ed.) (2007). The Occult Sciences in Byzantium. Geneva, CH: la pomme d’or S.A.

frutto del colloquio omonimo tenutosi nel 2003 presso la Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection di Washington, D.C.

Il volume contiene i seguenti testi di 11 diversi storici dedicati ad astrologia, alchimia e magia nel mondo bizantino:

  • Paul Magdalino, Maria Mavroudi, Introduction.
  • Maria Mavroudi, Occult Sciences and Society in Byzantium: Considerations for Future Research.
  • Katerina Ierodiakonou, The Byzantine Concept of Sympatheia and its Appropriation in Michael Psellos.
  • Paul Magdalino, Occult Sciences and Imperial Power in Byzantine History and Historiography.
  • Maria Papathanassiou, Stephanos of Alexandria: a Famous Byzantine Scolar, Alchemist and Astrologer.
  • Michèle Mertens, Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy in Byzantium.
  • David Pingree (1933-2005), The Byzantine Translations of Masha’alla’s Works in Interrogational Astrology.
  • William Adler, Did the Biblical Patriarch Practice Astrology? Michael Glykas and Manuel Komnenos I on Seth and Abraham.
  • Anne Tihon, Astrological Promenade in Byzantium in the Early Palaiologan Period;
  • Joshua Holo, Hebrew Astrology in Byzantine Southern Italy.
  • Charles Burnett, Late Antique and Medieval Latin Translations of Greek Texts on Astrology and Magic.
  • George Saliba, Revisiting the Astronomical Contacts between the World of Islam and Renaissance Europe: the Byzantine Connection.

Colgo l’occasione per segnalare che un precedente volume collettaneo dedicato alla magia nel mondo bizantino

Maguire, Henry (ed.) (1995). Byzantine magic. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection

risultato del colloquio “Magic and Visual Culture in Byzantium” tenutosi nel 1993 presso la stessa sede di quello di un decennio dopo, è disponibile on-line (alla pagina linkata in corrispondenza al titolo) sul sito di quella biblioteca. I testi contenuti sono i seguenti:

  • Henry Maguire, Introduction
  • Matthew W. Dickie, The Fathers of the Church and the Evil Eye
  • James Russell, The Archaeological Context of Magic in the Early Byzantine Period
  • Henry Maguire, Magic and the Christian Image
  • Alexander Kazhdan (1922-1997), Holy and Unholy Miracle Workers
  • John Duffy, Reactions of Two Byzantine Intellectuals to the Theory and Practice of Magic: Michael Psellos and Michael Italikos
  • Marie Theres Fögen, Balsamon on Magic: From Roman Secular Law to Byzantine Canon Law
  • Richard P. H. Greenfield, A Contribution to the Study of Palaeologan Magic
  • Robert Mathiesen, Magic in Slavia Orthodoxa: The Written Tradition