Bill Ellis su “anime” e pop culture

Su Theofantastique (qui), John W. Morehead ha intervistato il folklorista Bill Ellis (cui avevo già fatto riferimento qui) in merito ad anime (animazioni nipponiche) e cultura popolare.

Dice fra l’altro Ellis:

First of all, popular culture and folklore are closely related, since both relate to topics and issues that many people choose to be involved in. Folklore picks up many themes from popular books and TV shows, and the producers of popular media are constantly monitoring contemporary folklore and finding ways to include it in their productions. So, just as I was constantly watching the popular media, like the Harry Potter phenomenon, for insights into common persons’ interest in the occult, so too I immediately saw that the dramatic growth of interest in anime had a strong folklore element.

Consiglio la lettura dell’intera intervista.

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